Keyboard shortcuts


on a Windows PC
via VMware*
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Y Redo
Ctrl X Delete
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl D Duplicate in place
Ctrl G Group / Ungroup
Ctrl A Select all
Delfn DelDelete object
Spacebar Toggle animations on / off
G Toggle Gizmos on / off
Shift Deactivate snap functions
Ctrl Deactivate automatic height adjustment when moving

Menu Control

F1fn F1Open the Wiki
(German language)
F2fn F2Rename in list views
F3fn F3Open the “Selection” dialog box
F4fn F4Levels
F5 fn F5Routes
F6 fn F6Event management
F7fn F7Catalogue
F8fn F8Terrain tools
F9fn F9Simulation mode ON / Off
F11fn F11Full screen view On / Off
F12 or Escfn F12Event logging
K Open the control window
P Open the properties window
G Open the position window
I Open the information window

Camera Control

via VMWare*
Enter Zoom in to the selected object and centre it on the screen
+ Zoom – magnify
 Zoom – shrink
WASD keys Move view (left, right, forwards, backwards)
Page up Move view up
Page down Move view down
QE keys Rotate view
XY keys Flip view
Numbers 0-9 Activate the corresponding camera
C Activate / deactivate cockpit view / user-defined camera

Mouse Buttons

via VMWare*
Left mouse button Select an object
Double click the left mouse button Select a fixed object
Hold the left mouse button Draw a selection window
Ctrl + left mouse buttonCtrl + Opt + left mouse buttonSelect multiple objects one at a time
Mouse wheel Zoom in and out
Mouse wheel and move Rotate the view
Right mouse button Move the view
Alt + left mouse button, hold and drag Copy and move object

Terrain Mode

via VMWare*
Shift + left mouse button Invert the current tool (where available)
Shift + mouse wheel Adjust the brush size
Ctrl + mouse wheel Adjust opacity / thickness
Shift + Ctrl + mouse wheel  Rotate brush (where available)

Move Object

via VMWare*
Double click a Gizmo circle Rotate by + 45°
Shift + double click a Gizmo circle Rotate by -45°
Cursor keys Move object
Ctrl + cursor keys Lower / raise object

Switchable objects (signals / points / switches)

via VMWare*
Double click, arrow key up Next switching status
Arrow key down Previous switching status
Pos 1 First switching state
End Last switching state


Ctrl + Alt + XXX Trigger a corresponding keyboard event in event management, where XXX is 000 to 999

*VMware Fusion can be used to run 3D Train Studio in Windows on a Mac system. For more information, see Running 3D Train Studio on a Mac. VMware systems use slightly different key mappings. For more information, see Tips on using a Mac keyboard.