Lua Script Examples

These snippets would be used as part of the code in an event initiated by a track contact.

Lua script to stop a tram then turn it round

(or you can use a depot)

if not deferredCall then
  if vehicle:hasEngine() and direction == 1 then
     vehicle.targetSpeed = 0
     defer(5, "Turn around")

elseif deferredCall == "Turn around" then
  -- rotate the vehicle by 180 degrees
  vehicle.targetSpeed = 20


Lua script to stop a passenger train but not a goods train

local vehicles = layout:getVehicleGroup(vehicle)
local train_has_coaches = false
if #vehicles then
  for index = 1, #vehicles do
    if vehicles[index].name == "Corridor Coach" then
      train_has_coaches = true
     if vehicles[index].name == "Compartment Coach" then
       train_has_coaches = true
  if train_has_coaches then
    vehicle.currentSpeed = 0

Lua script to animate an object

layout:getEntityByName("object-name").animations["animation-name"]:play(a, b)

object-name is set in the object's properties panel
animation-name is set in the object's .anim text file

a =
-1 means current state of the animation
0 means start of the animation
1 means end of the animation

b =
1 means play the animation forward
-1 means play the animation backwards

layout:getEntityByName("Signal T1").animations["home-signal"]:play(-1,-1)


A track contact event will fire when a vehicle goes over a contact. Sometimes you’ll want to know which way the vehicle is travelling. The direction of travel is available in the variable: direction.

The variable direction can be either 1 or -1, so we could write an event handler script like this:

if direction == 1 then
  -- vehicle is travelling in the direction of the green arrow


if direction == -1 then
 -- vehicle is travelling in the direction of the yellow arrow


The orientation of the engine is not relevant. So an engine going backwards from left to right on the track in the picture would have a direction value of 1.